"An adaptive algorithm for unsupervised learning"

This supplementary information presents :

A convenience script allows to run and cache most learning items in this notebooks:

figure 1: Role of homeostasis in learning sparse representations


The actual learning is done in a second object (here dico) from which we can access another set of properties and functions (see the script):

panel A: plotting some dictionaries

panel B: quantitative comparison

Montage of the subplots

%tikz \draw (0,0) rectangle (1,1);%%tikz --save {fname}.pdf \draw[white, fill=white] (0.\linewidth,0) rectangle (1.\linewidth, .382\linewidth) ;
!echo "width=" ; convert {fname}.tiff -format "%[fx:w]" info: !echo ", \nheight=" ; convert {fname}.tiff -format "%[fx:h]" info: !echo ", \nunit=" ; convert {fname}.tiff -format "%U" info:!identify {fname}.tiff

figure 2: Histogram Equalization Homeostasis

First collecting data:

panel A: different P_cum

panel B: comparing the effects of parameters

Montage of the subplots

!echo "width=" ; convert {fname}.tiff -format "%[fx:w]" info: !echo ", \nheight=" ; convert {fname}.tiff -format "%[fx:h]" info: !echo ", \nunit=" ; convert {fname}.tiff -format "%U" info:!identify {fname}.tiff

figure 3:


panel A: plotting some dictionaries

panel B: quantitative comparison

Montage of the subplots

!echo "width=" ; convert {fname}.tiff -format "%[fx:w]" info: !echo ", \nheight=" ; convert {fname}.tiff -format "%[fx:h]" info: !echo ", \nunit=" ; convert {fname}.tiff -format "%U" info:!identify {fname}.tiff

As a control, we compare the methods for different parameters:

figure 4: Convolutional Neural Network

panel A: plotting some dictionaries

subplotpars = dict( left=0.042, right=1., bottom=0., top=1., wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05,) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(fig_width/2, fig_width/(1+phi)), gridspec_kw=subplotpars) for ax, color, homeo_method in zip(axs.ravel(), ['black', 'green'], homeo_methods): ax.axis(c=color, lw=2, axisbg='w') ax.set_facecolor('w') ffname = 'cache_dir/CHAMP_low_' + homeo_method + '.pkl' L1_mask = LoadNetwork(loading_path=ffname) fig, ax = DisplayDico(L1_mask.dictionary, fig=fig, ax=ax) # ax.set_ylabel(homeo_method) ax.text(-8, 7*dim_graph[0], homeo_method, fontsize=12, color=color, rotation=90)#, backgroundcolor='white' for ext in FORMATS: fig.savefig(pname + ext, dpi=dpi_export, bbox_inches='tight')

panel B: quantitative comparison

from shl_scripts import time_plot variable = 'F' alpha = .3 subplotpars = dict(left=0.2, right=.95, bottom=0.2, top=.95)#, wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05,) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(fig_width/2, fig_width/(1+phi)), gridspec_kw=subplotpars) for ax, color, homeo_method in zip(axs, ['black', 'green'], homeo_methods): print(ax, axs) ffname = 'cache_dir_CNN/CHAMP_low_' + homeo_method + '.pkl' L1_mask = LoadNetwork(loading_path=ffname) fig, ax = DisplayConvergenceCHAMP(L1_mask, to_display=['histo'], fig=fig, ax=ax) ax.axis(c=color, lw=2, axisbg='w') ax.set_facecolor('w') # ax.set_ylabel(homeo_method) #ax.text(-8, 7*dim_graph[0], homeo_method, fontsize=12, color=color, rotation=90)#, backgroundcolor='white' for ext in FORMATS: fig.savefig(pname + ext, dpi=dpi_export, bbox_inches='tight') if DEBUG: Image(pname +'.png')

Montage of the subplots

!echo "width=" ; convert {fname}.tiff -format "%[fx:w]" info: !echo ", \nheight=" ; convert {fname}.tiff -format "%[fx:h]" info: !echo ", \nunit=" ; convert {fname}.tiff -format "%U" info:!identify {fname}.tiff


The learning itself is done via a gradient descent but is highly dependent on the coding / decoding algorithm. This belongs to a another function (in the script)

Supplementary controls

starting a learning

getting help

loading a database

Loading patches, with or without mask:

Testing different algorithms

Testing two different dictionary initalization strategies

White Noise Initialization + Learning

Testing two different learning rates strategies

We use by defaut the strategy of ADAM, see

Testing different number of neurons and sparsity

As suggested by AnonReviewer3, we have tested how the convergence was modified by changing the number of neurons. By comparing different numbers of neurons we could re-draw the same figures for the convergence of the algorithm as in our original figures. In addition, we have also checked that this result will hold on a range of sparsity levels. In particular, we found that in general, increasing the l0_sparseness parameter, the convergence took progressively longer. Importantly, we could see that in both cases, this did not depend on the kind of homeostasis heuristic chosen, proving the generality of our results.

This is shown in the supplementary material that we have added to our revision ("Testing different number of neurons and sparsity") . This useful extension proves the originality of our work as highlighted in point 4, and the generality of these results compared to the parameters of the network.


Convolutional neural networks

Training on a face database

Training the ConvMP Layer with homeostasis

Training the ConvMP Layer with homeostasis

Reconstructing the input image

Training the ConvMP Layer with higher-level filters

We train higher-level feature vectors by forcing the network to :

Training on MNIST database

fname = 'cache_dir_CNN/CHAMP_MNIST_HAP.pkl' try: L1_mask = LoadNetwork(loading_path=fname) except: path = os.path.join(datapath, "MNISTtorch") TrSet, TeSet = LoadData('MNIST', data_path=path) N_TrSet, _, _, _ = LocalContrastNormalization(TrSet) Filtered_L_TrSet = FilterInputData( N_TrSet, sigma=0.25, style='Custom', start_R=15) nb_dico = 60 width = 7 dico_size = (width, width) l0 = 15 # Learning Parameters eta_homeo = 0.0025 eta = .05 nb_epoch = 500 # learn L1_mask = CHAMP_Layer(l0_sparseness=l0, nb_dico=nb_dico, dico_size=dico_size, mask=mask, verbose=2) dico_mask = L1_mask.TrainLayer( Filtered_L_TrSet, eta=eta, eta_homeo=eta_homeo, nb_epoch=nb_epoch, seed=seed) SaveNetwork(Network=L1_mask, saving_path=fname) DisplayDico(L1_mask.dictionary) DisplayConvergenceCHAMP(L1_mask, to_display=['error']) DisplayConvergenceCHAMP(L1_mask, to_display=['histo']) DisplayWhere(L1_mask.where);

Computational details

caching simulation data

!ls -l {shl.cache_dir}/{tag}* #!rm {shl.cache_dir}/{tag}*lock* #!rm {shl.cache_dir}/{tag}* #!ls -l {shl.cache_dir}/{tag}*

Version used

exporting the notebook

version control

Done. Thanks for your attention!